This month on the blog, we’re taking a deep dive into each department of PMG, and this week’s spotlight is on Association Management. Today, we’re talking to Dawn Keglor, who has been with PMG for seven years in the Association Management department. Keep reading to learn more!
What is your name? Dawn Keglor
What is your position at PMG? Vice President of Association Management
How long have you been with PMG? Almost 7 years!
What is your favorite part of working at PMG? This is hard to answer because there are so many things that I love about PMG! I love the spirit of excellence that envelopes everything we do. We are a family of overachievers that challenge each other, lift each other up, work hard to make sure our clients have the very best, and accomplish the most amazing things together.
What is your favorite thing about Association Management? Now this is easy to answer! Our clients are remarkable. Working alongside passionate people to fulfill world changing missions makes everything worthwhile.
What do you like least about your job? Although this may sound like I’m trying to avoid the negative, there isn’t anything I don’t like about my job. Almost 7 years and counting!
What are the first 3 things that should be taught to a new hire at PMG about Association Management?
- Don’t be afraid to try new things. Associations only grow when we use our strategic minds and think outside of the box!
- Take the time to learn the why behind each process. Stepping back to learn the historical aspects of the association will help immensely as you move forward.
- Everyone is a leader! It doesn’t matter what role you hold within PMG or the association(s) you serve. What you do matters! Your professionalism and contributions will make a great impact so never underestimate your influence.
What are 3 traits of a highly effective Association (project) Manager?
The PMG DNA; Fearless, Tireless, and Selfless. It’s the stuff champions are made of! Seek out ways to infuse everything you do with these DNA traits and success will follow.
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned during your time at PMG?
It takes a delicate blend of the tried and true processes and innovative thinking to help associations to grow and succeed. Learning the balance is key to stability while growing.
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned in your career so far?
Keep your mind wide open! It takes all the minds at the table to build an empire. There is unstoppable strength in collaboration and teamwork.