Technology has become an integral part of our world, we depend on it to communicate, collaborate and find information. PMG believes it’s an extremely important part of your organization and here are a few things we do to put it first in our business.
Website Presence and Member Experience
Today website presence is a necessity, 7 years ago we started refining the way we handle our websites and web presence for our associations. This began by slowly migrating everyone to an easy to manage and very efficient content management platform called WordPress. WordPress is the “standard” platform for websites now and we find that not only does it get our clients the usability they need, it also helps tremendously with search engine optimization, so your websites are easily found by members and prospective members.

Evan Dickert
Director of Information Technology
The next ingredient for a great association website is a well-rounded “members area”. We have worked hard with our database company to build a seamless experience for our members and guest, we always thought having users exit the website to pay dues or update their information was a distracting experience, to say the least. All of our clients have an integrated members area that is a seamless part of their website, we believe that spending this extra time and money will keep your members on the site longer and make the website a more effective place.
joyn AMS (a good association management company has to have a great AMS)
In 2012, we had a mess on our hands, each association used multiple applications to manage all of the different aspects of their society. Membership, registration, submission, and schedule data was all held in separate software and separate databases. There was no easy way to find data on any member in our organizations. While looking for solutions in 2013, we decided and started building our own association management system with Metaport systems. The output of this multi-year endeavor was joyn AMS a full stack association management system that encompasses everything we do on a day-to-day basis.
Besides great data this leads to a seamless experience for our members and conference attendees; they will notice the same familiar layout and data whether they log in to the association website, sign up for a conference or submit an abstract. There is no more fumbling for a conference login or a submission site access code, it’s all the same easy experience. This is an extremely important part of our business as it really lets us work much more efficiently for our clients and provide accurate results on their membership numbers.
Social Media and Marketing
It is an industry standard now to have a great social media presence and we make this a priority for our clients. We start with a social media editor this is generally a project manager, coordinator or journal lead that takes point on keeping the associations social media accounts up to date, then we strive for consistency. We always have a group of staff at our meetings that is responsible for posting and moderating annual meeting activities. Having a strong presence at your meetings leads to stronger followers and broader engagement throughout the year.
We realize that our client members are very busy people so we use effective marketing platforms like Constant Contact and My Emma to keep our members, attendees and prospective members and attendees informed about current events in their organization without crowding their inboxes. Using an email marketing tool allows us to effectively and quickly communicate with our members and attendees at meetings and throughout the year.
Today, technology is changing at a rapid pace. Website management, databases, and social media are just a few things we focus on to keep your organization organized, efficient, in tip-top shape, and on the cutting edge.