By Nicole Greer with Kate Yaughn

Often, the world of grants can seem overwhelming. Sometimes, you know you need help with managing your large grants, but you don’t know exactly what you need help with. So, as your grants manager, what exactly does PMG do? The short answer — a lot! 

But to go more in depth . . . PMG can organize the necessary short- and long-term action items, formulate small details as well as a big picture plan, determine an appropriate timetable for activities, and oversee the budget. We literally cover it all from A to Z! Examples of some of the tasks that PMG will manage for a client throughout the cycle of their grant include but are not limited to:

A. Oversee all aspects of the grants, all committee actions, vendors, and the operations of executing a grant agreement and maintaining compliance. This includes the coordination of any contracts and materials produced with grant language.

B. Maintain regular communication with and make recommendations that align with the grant, Principal Investigator (PI), Program Officer (PO), and contract recipients.

C. Document progress of the goals of the grant and ensure implementation of stated objectives.

D.   Establish standards and deadlines for proposals, subcontracts, drafts and review applications for completeness, and ensure compliance with organizational, governmental, or foundation standards.

E.   Maintain records of financial reports and requirements, data collection, and reporting requirements.

F. Manage a system for tracking, managing, and reporting on grant measurables and outcomes.

G. Organize the necessary short and long-term action items, formulate small details and big picture plans, determine an appropriate timetable for activities.

H. Attend all conference calls and meetings of the grants committee, collaborating partners,  decision makers, and leadership team. 

I.  Prepare a summary “to do” list for grant-related action items following each meeting or conference call.

J. Work with PI and PO to assure that all tasks on the “to do” list from meetings are accomplished.

K. Work with any potential sub awardees to meet the criteria and eligibility required to receive funding.

L. Follow the established work plan and logic model to stay within approved timelines for short-term and long-term metrics.

M.  Provide reports of grant activities to the PI and PO on a regular basis.

N. Arrange, coordinate and conduct follow up on grant outreach and partner collaborations among sub awardees.

O. Advise on funding allocations of total grant award is appropriate and fiscally responsible and is in line with grant objectives.

P. Prepare comparative report of yearly accomplishments and data.

Q. Collect and compile all tracking reports for a comprehensive monthly, quarterly, and annual report to the PO.

R. Assist with development of a sustainability plan for post-award continuation.

S.  Oversee any marketing efforts such as distribution of marketing materials, trade show logistics and day to day marketing and outreach efforts.      

T. Provide strategic planning guidance and assurance of tactics being carried out effectively and efficiently, matching with the goals of the agreement. 

U.   Lead efforts on partner relationships and serve alongside a designated government agency liaison responder as needed.   

V. Work with leadership to help to raise the recognition of the project, and explore new ways for reach and accessibility, especially among the vulnerable rural population.

W.  Assist with the use of social media, email marketing, outreach to new publications, collaborations with like-minded organizations and outreach to both consumers and providers to educate constituencies about the services and resources that are available.

X. Assist with the development of the database to track statistics.

Y. Ensure that faculty and staff on a grant are communicating with providers throughout the grant cycle to ensure ongoing use of best practices and implementation of funders goals within healthcare practices.

Z. Pull reports based on tracking and outcomes needed for grant reporting including analyzing trends tied to results and efforts to determine if alternate courses need to be taken, based on quantitative and qualitative feedback and data. 

Do these sound like tasks you’ve been struggling to do efficiently or effectively? PMG is here to help!