
Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

In recent years there has been a push to hold businesses accountable for their actions and the impact they have on society. This all came to a culmination in the summer of 2020...

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Gen Z 101

Gen Z 101

From activism about social and environmental issues to Tiktok, the culture of Generation Z (or Gen Z) is elusive to many adults. As Gen Z becomes older, they are starting to...

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Mentorship Programs

Mentorship Programs

Organizational culture is described as the “shared values, beliefs, and assumptions about how people should behave and interact, how decisions should be made, and how work...

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Building Habits (The Habit Loop)

Building Habits (The Habit Loop)

I started this series on January 8th with a blog called “Don’t Make Resolutions, Create Better Habits.” This series is based on a book I read last year called Atomic Habits by...

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2021 Outlook

2021 Outlook

“What is coming is better than what is gone.” -Arabic Proverb This quote well-articulates my vision for 2021.  Twenty-twenty was undoubtedly a year of strife for many personally...

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Sustainability Measures for Association Management

Sustainability Measures for Association Management

Parthenon Management Group (PMG) recognizes the importance of incorporating sustainability into our business model and our partnerships. This year, PMG created a Sustainability Task Force to lead the efforts in minimizing our carbon footprint both in the office and at the meetings we execute. It is the mission of the task force to prioritize and communicate our sustainability initiatives.

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Diversity in Association Management

Diversity in Association Management

Like many similar professional fields, Association Management is not particularly diverse. One could argue that Association Management is somewhat obscure, with very few children claiming they want to be Project Managers when they grow up.

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2020 – The Year of COVID-19

2020 – The Year of COVID-19

Sure, we can look back on 2020 as a “dumpster fire” and think of the pandemic, the sweeping wild fires or the politically charged climate of the world, or if you take a closer look, I think you’ll see humanity was reborn in those in those ashes. The world was shaken and little moments like smiles from strangers, a wave from a neighbor or a call from a coworker are the moments that have pushed us through.

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Employee Perks for Non-profits

Employee Perks for Non-profits

As non-profits face the challenges of running their organization during COVID, it is helpful to think of ways to keep up morale and thank their employees for the great work they are doing during one of the most stressful periods any of us have faced. Since many of us are facing strained budgets these days, it is not always possible to provide financial incentives, but there are many other ways you can show your appreciation. Here are some ideas:

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Volunteer Development

Volunteer Development

Volunteers are one of the greatest assets of a nonprofit organization because they serve as leaders who guide the organization to achieve the overall mission.

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